
Tuesday Feb 14, 2023
Episode 79 - LGBT History Month, a chat with Tris and Scott (re release)
Tuesday Feb 14, 2023
Tuesday Feb 14, 2023
Due to a lack of pre planning and a coherent podcast release schedule we thought we'd gloss over the fact that we didn't manage to release a shiny new episode and re release this one. Which was cracking BTW.
It’s LGBT history months so we thought we’d add our bit and Al has a chat with Scott and his husband Tris about their perspectives and experience of being amongst the cohort of adoptive same sex couples in the mid 2000s. They straddle a time before that was a possibility and we discuss their journey as well as some of their positive as well as less positive experiences being adoptive parents. We also chat about the implications for them as a family as they encounter and visit other cultures and countries and precautions they take to keep the children and themselves safe.
We start with a chat about the BT Halo advert, the language used and the following twitter storm and response from different parts of the adoption community.
Finally, we reveal that we’re chairing a RAA’s first year anniversary conference on the 4th April for Adoption East Midlands, until the end of Feb its open to families from that area, after that anyone can attend if there’s space. BOOK HERE The conference is going to cover a range of issues that are ever present including contact, developing children’s resilience and adopter resilience. There will also be discussion in relation to school support and peer mentors within the adoption community. Take a look here and if you’re free then we’d love to see you as well as the night before when we’re having the Adoption and Fostering Podcast Pub Quiz (details to follow).
If you'd like to find out a little more the Adoption & Fostering Podcast's Facebook page is here, or our twitter feed here.
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Saturday Feb 11, 2023
Episode 156 - Adoption Counts: Maintaining Family Links
Saturday Feb 11, 2023
Saturday Feb 11, 2023
In this episode we speak to Victoria Ntizoglou and Claire Hardman social workers for the RAA Adoption Counts (starting 11:20) . As a service they've been innovative in their system approach to how they support children and adults in maintaining family links and connections pre and post adoption. They speak from their broad experience and offer fantastic insight to the issues that they navigate in what is essential work for a progressive adoption service. They were also knowledgeable across the adoption system and great guests.
We also reflect on the ongoing questions around the APPGs and consider the role of AUK and Home for Good in funding the Adoption and Permanence APPG. However, in the interim the question we asked on twitter has been answered here.
Adoption Counts is the Regional Adoption Agency covering the adoption services of five Local Authorities: Cheshire East Council, Manchester City Council, Salford City Council, Stockport Metropolitan Borough Council and Trafford Council.
As always if you’ve experience of adoption, fostering or special guardianship from any perspective personal or professional and would like share that on the podcast please get in touch through the Facebook or twitter or email us at AandFpodcast@gmail.com
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Monday Feb 06, 2023
Podcast Special - The Gov’s Response to the Care Review
Monday Feb 06, 2023
Monday Feb 06, 2023
Hello and welcome to this hastily drawn together podcast on the Gov's response to the Care Review. We try to give a brief outline of the key 'pillars' of the review and reflect on the responses from across the sector.
As always if you’ve experience of adoption, fostering or special guardianship from any perspective personal or professional and would like share that on the podcast please get in touch through the Facebook or twitter or email us at AandFpodcast@gmail.com
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Saturday Feb 04, 2023
Conversations - Kinship Carer Shanayd
Saturday Feb 04, 2023
Saturday Feb 04, 2023
Hello and welcome to conversations from the A&F podcast. We are opening up our conversations to include anyone connected to the world of caring parenting or working with children who have experienced adversity or have complex needs.
In this episode we speak to kinship carer Shanayd, she shares her story of becoming a kinship carer to her niece, the legal process, the impact on her family and the challenges of accessing support. Shanayd now campaigns for better support and works to support and advocate for kinship carers locally and nationally and in the podcast she shares the work that she does.
If you’ve a perspective or have experience that you’d like to share in this space please get in touch through the Facebook or twitter page or email us at AandFpodcast@gmail.com
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Wednesday Feb 01, 2023
Podcast Special - CVAA Report - A home for me?
Wednesday Feb 01, 2023
Wednesday Feb 01, 2023
In this special short podcast Al went up to the House of Lords for the official release of the CVAA's report "A home for me? - A comparative review of the value of different forms of permanence for children – Adoption, SGOs and Fostering"
You can read it Here
As always if you’ve experience of adoption, fostering or special guardianship from any perspective personal or professional and would like share that on the podcast please get in touch through the Facebook or twitter or email us at AandFpodcast@gmail.com
Listen/subscribe on iTunes here
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Saturday Jan 28, 2023
Episode 155 - Sam Turner from Kinship
Saturday Jan 28, 2023
Saturday Jan 28, 2023
In this episode we add in a little about our trip to the DfE then crack on with the interview with Sam Turner the head of policy and public affairs at the charity Kinship (starting 10:00). We discuss the broader issues around families living with kinship/SGO/CAOs as well as look directly at the specific issues that may be raised in the upcoming Governmental response to the Care Review.
As always if you’ve experience of adoption, fostering or special guardianship from any perspective personal or professional and would like share that on the podcast please get in touch through the Facebook or twitter or email us at AandFpodcast@gmail.com
Listen/subscribe on iTunes here
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Saturday Jan 21, 2023
Conversations - Rebekah Pierre
Saturday Jan 21, 2023
Saturday Jan 21, 2023
Hello and welcome to conversations from the A and F podcast.
In this episode we speak Rebekah Pierre a care experienced social worker.
Bekah came on a webcast in November and shared some of her experiences and views while promoting the Free Loaves on Friday project. In this episode she shares more of her personal story and experiences and perspectives on the care system.
As always if you’ve experience of adoption, fostering or special guardianship from any perspective personal or professional and would like share that on the podcast please get in touch through the Facebook or twitter or email us at AandFpodcast@gmail.com
Listen/subscribe on iTunes here
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Thursday Jan 19, 2023
Podcast Special - Up to the DfE for the ARG
Thursday Jan 19, 2023
Thursday Jan 19, 2023
This is a little podcast special, we were up to the Department for Education for a meeting of the Adopter Reference Group. We thought it wise to feedback what happened and some reflections on the ARG now the Leadership Board has ended.
Note: it was recorded in a pub yard next to a building site, we sat in the cold crisp shade under blue skies and chatted. It was rather pleasant, but noisy!
As always if you’ve experience of adoption, fostering or special guardianship from any perspective personal or professional and would like share that on the podcast please get in touch through the Facebook or twitter or email us at AandFpodcast@gmail.com
Listen/subscribe on iTunes here
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Saturday Jan 14, 2023
Episode 154 - An interview with Rita Sorenen from the Dave Thomas Foundation
Saturday Jan 14, 2023
Saturday Jan 14, 2023
Lots to catch up on this week with surveys, news and more. We go for a high energy opening and we'll see how that pans out.
Here's links to the surveys we discussed:
Adoption Support Agencies: proposed regulation changes here
Regulating supported accommodation for looked after children and care leavers aged 16 & 17 here
We were contacted by Rita from the Dave Thomas Foundation based in the US in relation to the work that they do to promote and facilitate the adoption of older children from the public care system in the US. We thought it would be a wonderful opportunity to look into a system that we rarely discuss but has a profound hold across adoption culture. (Starting 29 mins) Rita was incredibly articulate and clearly has a depth knowledge of the US system and the unique challenges that they face. We chat about the specific issues of adopting older children, Wendy's Wonderful Kids program and the processes that are built around that, we also discuss the broader system and some of the specific issues that impact on the US adoption culture. Scott was a little cheeky and asked his favourite question!
As always if you’ve experience of adoption, fostering or special guardianship from any perspective personal or professional and would like share that on the podcast please get in touch through the Facebook or twitter or email us at AandFpodcast@gmail.com
Listen/subscribe on iTunes here
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Saturday Jan 07, 2023
Conversations - Maggie May
Saturday Jan 07, 2023
Saturday Jan 07, 2023
In this episode we speak to Maggie May and she shares her unconventional journey through the foster care system and her decision to be adopted at 14 in Ireland. Maggie May has a unique perspective and also lives with the hidden disability of FASD. She describes the challenges she faced and the impact of the diagnosis on her life.
It’s a remarkable story and we’ll definitely be asking Maggie may back on to share the work she does as an advocate for the FASD community and the education and support she offers carers and parents of children with FASD.
As always if you’ve experience of adoption, fostering or special guardianship from any perspective personal or professional and would like share that on the podcast please get in touch through the Facebook or twitter or email us at AandFpodcast@gmail.com