
Thursday Mar 18, 2021
How's your Lockdown Hun? Scott chats to late discovery adoptee Daniel Bishop
Thursday Mar 18, 2021
Thursday Mar 18, 2021
In what can only be described as experimental podcasting Scott has branched out on his own to chat to a few folks with lived experience of adoption and fostering to as how they've faired in Lockdown.
In episode 2 of “How’s your Lockdown Hun?” – we have fixed Scott’s audio issues…. and Scott chatted to Daniel, an adopted adult. The plan was to talk about how lockdown has been for Daniel and his family, and there is certainly some messages in there about how Daniel coped with it all, however, the conversation was really influenced by Daniel not finding out he was adopted until he was 26 years old. Daniel is only 35 now. I am sure you can imagine how interesting this conversation was, and it certainly wasn’t the plan to talk as deeply about all of the experiences of Daniel – however, it was definitely a story that we all need to hear. Catch Daniel on Twitter @dnlbshp
Next week Scott is joined by “friend of the show”, West End Star, Adult Adoptee, Scott’s childhood friend – Shona White (@SingingHaggis). Next Wednesday – LIVE and FREE at 8pm.
In what can only be described as experimental podcasting Scott has branched out on his own to chat to a few folks with lived experience of adoption and fostering to as how they've faired in Lockdown.
If you would like to share your story, then please do contact us on our social media platforms, or via email aandfpodcast@gmail.com
You can also listen to the podcast:

Saturday Mar 13, 2021
Episode 115 - Early Permanence with Anna Sharkey from the Triangle Project
Saturday Mar 13, 2021
Saturday Mar 13, 2021
This week we speak to the CEO of Adoption Focus Anna Sharkey, Scott had asked her on to speak to us in relation to early permanence and foster to adopt. Anna runs the Triangle Project as part of Adoption Focus and she speak with authority in relation to the work that they do, how and why the do it and detail about some of the challenges. Anna is generous in sharing some of her personal story and her link to adoption as well.
We also get time to reflect on the 'Moonpig incident' and even though we're a bit 'meh' we were surprised to get a direct apology on Twitter. Slightly odd as we didn't even complain. To add to this there's talk of wildlife shenanigans, a nerf gun and more.
As always, thanks for listening and you can also listen to the podcast:

Wednesday Mar 10, 2021
Conversations - Whitney
Wednesday Mar 10, 2021
Wednesday Mar 10, 2021
Welcome to Conversations from the Adoption & Fostering podcast.
This week we are talking to Whitney, a 22 year old Care Experienced Adult. We came across Whitney on Social Media, when she posted openly and honestly about her experience of being permanently excluded from education, with images of reports and information (that she had carefully concealed personal details on), and were intrigued by Whitney’s openness and honesty.
Whitney tells me all about her earlier life, and her early experiences of social workers and professionals being in her life, but unaware why, her foster care experience, homelessness, mental health, being educated in a Pupil Referral Unit (PRU), and her experiences of the court system, police, and ultimately prison.
Whitney also discusses her sibling being adopted, and how the severing of this link has affected her, and continues to.
There is much more discussed in Whitney’s story, these are just some of the topics we explore.
As ever, this is Whitney’s story, and her experience, and some listeners may see similarities in some of their experiences, but Whitney was clear that she wanted to share in the detail she has, and is fully supported in that from her Support Network.
If you would like to share your story, then please do contact us on our social media platforms, or via email aandfpodcast@gmail.com
You can also listen to the podcast:

Thursday Mar 04, 2021
#WednesdayWebcast - an interview with Adele Bates a teacher, speaker and writer
Thursday Mar 04, 2021
Thursday Mar 04, 2021
In this week's #WednesdayWebcast we chat to Adele Bates a teacher, speaker, writer and educator for students with emotional and behavioural difficulties. In what can only be described as 'freewheeling' conversation Adele shares some of her journey to specialising as she does and how her own experience of difference has given her insight to the experience of some of her pupils. We also reflect on many children's experiences in school and the challenges they experience. It is LGBTQ+ fostering and adoption week and we cover that as well as lots of other stuff. Adele is a great guest and we look forward to having her back on in the future when her book is released. You can find her on Twitter here.
As always, thanks for listening and if you'd like to email us with comments or suggestions the you can at AandFpodcast@gmail.com
You can also listen to the podcast:

Saturday Feb 27, 2021
Episode 114 - Digital Contact with Beverly Barnett-Jones MBE
Saturday Feb 27, 2021
Saturday Feb 27, 2021
This week we're really pleased to speak to Beverly Barnett-Jones MBE from the Nufield Family Justice Observatory. We invited her on to speak about the research that she's been undertaking in looking at updating the contact system to a digital one. We chat about all kinds of stuff before we get to that including the #CareReview and early support for struggling families but we then get onto discussing the benefits of digital letterbox system as well as the challenges around the current system and the potential pitfalls. Bev was a great guest and Al is sorry for being cheeky and will be in the naughty corner for the next episode. If you want to get in touch with Bev her email is bbarnett-jones@nuffieldfoundation.org
In a few weeks Dr Marie Kershaw is coming on and we're looking for questions to ask her so if you've got any that you'd like to share (it can be anonymous) then email us at AandFpodcast@gmail.com . If you've got anything you'd like to say or ask in general then you can email us there too.
As always, thanks for listening and you can also listen to the podcast:

Saturday Feb 20, 2021
A & F Conference: Dawn Harker
Saturday Feb 20, 2021
Saturday Feb 20, 2021
Hello and welcome to conversations from the adoption and fostering podcast.
In this episode we’re sharing the seminar that Dawn Harker gave at our recent online converence. It was really insightful and everyone who heard it noted how it had opened their eyes to new perspectives on the adoptees views.
It was so good we felt that it was a shame to not share it so we’ve added it to our normal podcast here. Dawn wasn’t asked filter or edit her perspective or talk and Consequently, it’s her own views and answers to questions that were put to her at the end of the session.
As always if you’ve experience of adoption from any perspective and would like share that on the podcast please get in touch through the Facebook or twitter page or email us at AandFpodcast@gmail.com

Thursday Feb 18, 2021
#WednesdayWebcast - Emotional Intelligence with Ruth Whiteside
Thursday Feb 18, 2021
Thursday Feb 18, 2021
As always, thanks for listening and if you'd like to email us with comments or suggestions the you can at AandFpodcast@gmail.com
You can also listen to the podcast:

Saturday Feb 13, 2021
Episode 113 - Relationships, SGOs, Emergency Sheep Dogs and Cat litter
Saturday Feb 13, 2021
Saturday Feb 13, 2021
After several weeks of serious guests we take slight detour and unpick some of the issues that have been floating round the news recently. We chat about the short twitter poll we took considering the impact of adoption on adopters relationships. Al Blagged his way onto the ASGLB away day and reports back and think about Special Guardians as well as consider the National Minimum Standards, the ASF and more. We also get pulled into the long grass in relation to a whole host of other things too, plenty of #InfoBanter.
In a few weeks Dr Marie Kershaw is coming on and we're looking for questions to ask her so if you've got any that you'd like to share (it can be anonymous) then email us at AandFpodcast@gmail.com . If you've got anything you'd like to say or ask in general then you can email us there too.
As always, thanks for listening and you can also listen to the podcast:

Thursday Feb 11, 2021
Thursday Feb 11, 2021
As always, thanks for listening and if you'd like to email us with comments or suggestions the you can at AandFpodcast@gmail.com
You can also listen to the podcast:

Saturday Feb 06, 2021
Conversations: Ahmed
Saturday Feb 06, 2021
Saturday Feb 06, 2021
Hello and welcome to conversations from the adoption and fostering podcast.
In this episode we speak to Ahmed, he arrived in the Uk aged 14 unaccompanied and found himself living on the streets. He shares his experiences of foster care and the immigration process. It’s his story and perspective and opens a window into an area that we’ve not looked at before.
We hope you find it enlightening and as always if you’ve experience of adoption, Fostering or special guardianship from any perspective and would like share that on the podcast please get in touch through the Facebook or twitter page or email us at AandFpodcast@gmail.com
You can also listen to the podcast: