
Saturday Sep 05, 2020
Conversations - Emma Sutton
Saturday Sep 05, 2020
Saturday Sep 05, 2020
In this episode we speak to Emma Sutton, she shares her story of coming to adoption and the challenges and experience of assessment, matching and starting a new life. It’s her story and reflects an honest and insightful understanding of her experience. You can find out more about her story in her book here.
If you’ve a story of care or adoption and would like to share your perspective or experience then please do direct message us at our twitter feed here or on our facebook page here.
Listen/subscribe on iTunes here
Spotify here
Google here
Music by
Together, We Can Make It by Neutrin05 | https://soundcloud.com/neutrin05
Music promoted by https://www.free-stock-music.com
Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported

Thursday Sep 03, 2020
Wednesday Webcast: Adoption, Race and Racism with Satwinder Sandhu
Thursday Sep 03, 2020
Thursday Sep 03, 2020
In this week's Wednesday Webcast we start to look at other issues that impact on adoption, specifically race and racism following the BlackLivesMatter campaigns that have developed over the summer. We chat to Satwinder Sandhu the CEO of The International Adoption Centre and social worker. He opens up the discussion in relation to systemic issues that may prohibit adopters coming forward, transracial placements and how to prepare families to parent children of colour beyond the lazy tropes of hair and skincare. Scott and Al appreciate that they have limited experience in these matters but feel strongly that conversations need to be had with people that can speak with lived experience and personal insight so we'll be chatting to a few different people over the next few weeks.
You can see the webchat as well as the other stuff we do at our FB page here.
As always your views and thoughts are appreciated, you can contact the podcast through the usual routes and if you'd like to find out a little more the Adoption & Fostering Podcast's Facebook page is here, or our twitter feed here.
Listen/subscribe on iTunes here
Spotify here
Google here

Saturday Aug 29, 2020
Episode 100 - We Celebrate 100 episodes & Chat to Becky Brooks all things Schools
Saturday Aug 29, 2020
Saturday Aug 29, 2020
With this being the 100th 'Episode' we though it only right to get our good old friend Becky on. We aspire to draw together all the challenges in relation to education and we certainly cover some ground: children, parent and teacher anxiety, behaviour policies, SEN guidance, lockdown, how is this going to work, Flexi teaching, homeschooling and more!
It's mildly raucous at times and we even get some info on Becky's teaching career and the challenges of teaching kids the samba.
As always your views and thoughts are appreciated, you can contact the podcast through the usual routes and if you'd like to find out a little more the Adoption & Fostering Podcast's Facebook page is here, or our twitter feed here.
Listen/subscribe on iTunes here
Spotify here
Google here

Thursday Aug 27, 2020
Webcast: An interview with Claire AKA HowToBeAdopted
Thursday Aug 27, 2020
Thursday Aug 27, 2020
In this week's Wednesday Webcast we complete our little series on post adoption contact. We're really pleased to have Claire AKA HowToBeAdopted on to share her perspective on contact as well as some of her experiences as she's worked to maintain contact through the letterbox process with her niece and nephews. Through her Twitter feed @howtobeadopted and website howtobeadopted.com Claire regularly speaks to adopted adults and she shares some of the perspective from this on the impact of contact as well as the consequences of no post adoption contact for children and adults.
You can see the webchat as well as the other stuff we do at our FB page here.
As always your views and thoughts are appreciated, you can contact the podcast through the usual routes and if you'd like to find out a little more the Adoption & Fostering Podcast's Facebook page is here, or our twitter feed here.
Listen/subscribe on iTunes here
Spotify here
Google here

Saturday Aug 22, 2020
Podcast Special: AUK webinar on Parenting Young Adults
Saturday Aug 22, 2020
Saturday Aug 22, 2020
Hello, we're off on our annual summer hols so to keep the podcast machine rolling we're releasing a webinar that Scott did for Adoption UK. It's focus is on the parenting young adults with some of the unique challenges that can bring.
We hope that you are having a smashing summer.
As always your views and thoughts are appreciated, you can contact the podcast through the usual routes and if you'd like to find out a little more the Adoption & Fostering Podcast's Facebook page is here, or our twitter feed here.
Listen/subscribe on iTunes here
Spotify here
Google here

Saturday Aug 22, 2020
Podcast Special - CCVAB Webchat (lessons from research)
Saturday Aug 22, 2020
Saturday Aug 22, 2020
Hello, we're off on our annual summer hols so to keep the podcast machine rolling we're releasing a part of a Childhood Challenging Violent & Aggression webinar that Al did earlier this year. It's focus is on the research that originated from his own family's experiences and an overview of the research.
We hope that you are having a smashing summer.
As always your views and thoughts are appreciated, you can contact the podcast through the usual routes and if you'd like to find out a little more the Adoption & Fostering Podcast's Facebook page is here, or our twitter feed here.
Listen/subscribe on iTunes here
Spotify here
Google here

Thursday Aug 20, 2020
Webcast: Kath Drescher head of Adopt South West and Helen Atkinson
Thursday Aug 20, 2020
Thursday Aug 20, 2020
This week we take the opportunity to speak to Kath Drescher head of Adopt South West and Helen Atkinson lead on Matching and introductions. We discuss the logistics of change to becoming a Regional Adoption Agency and the impact on services and staff. We chat about the impact of COVID 19 on the work they do as well support, recruitment and all kinds of other stuff that we rarely get to speak to people in power about. To be fair we could have gone on longer.
You can see the webchat as well as the other stuff we do at our FB page here.
As always your views and thoughts are appreciated, you can contact the podcast through the usual routes and if you'd like to find out a little more the Adoption & Fostering Podcast's Facebook page is here, or our twitter feed here.
Listen/subscribe on iTunes here
Spotify here
Google here

Wednesday Aug 19, 2020
Webcasts - Contact with Clarissa
Wednesday Aug 19, 2020
Wednesday Aug 19, 2020
We both feel strongly that there needs to be access to knowledge in relation to adoption practice and the impact of adoption across the community. To that end we’ve decided to run some 30 minute webcasts on our FB page to open up some debate around key issues. We’re starting with Contact and are hoping to speak to a few people with key perspectives and insights. We’re starting with Clarissa Stevens this week then Professor Beth Neil and then the head of a RAA. This is a short recording from our first web chat with Clarissa for those that prefer to listen than watch, However there were a few tech issues in the first 7 minutes so I apologise as Clarissa’s feed was a little poor and that can be heard in the audio. That said, we then fixed it and cracked on.
Other topics that we’d like to look at over the summer are transracial adoption and……..well we’ll see what comes up after that!
If you've got any ideas for guests or topics let us know through the usual routes!

Saturday Aug 15, 2020
Adoption Conversation: Tiegan
Saturday Aug 15, 2020
Saturday Aug 15, 2020
Hello and welcome to conversations from the adoption and fostering podcast.
In our conversation podcasts we look at adoption from different perspectives and this episode we follow on from our Webcast with Tiegan about contact. in this episode Tiegan shares her experience of being an adopted young person and how that has impacted on her life up until now. We also talk about having same sex parents and Tiegan’s thoughts on differences.
This is Tiegan’s story and her reflections on it, and we would remind listeners that conversations can be emotive, reflective and insightful, and may not reflect the story of others who have experience of being adopted.
If you’ve a story of care or adoption and would like to share your perspective or experience then please do direct message us at our twitter feed here or on our facebook page here.
Listen/subscribe on iTunes here
Spotify here
Google here
Music by
Together, We Can Make It by Neutrin05 | https://soundcloud.com/neutrin05
Music promoted by https://www.free-stock-music.com
Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported

Thursday Aug 13, 2020
Webcast: Contact conversation with Adoptee Tiegan
Thursday Aug 13, 2020
Thursday Aug 13, 2020
In this week's Wednesday Webcast we speak to young adoptee Tiegan about her experience of post adoption contact with family members. She is really open and honest in relation to her experience and then offers insight to some of the challenges that her peer face as they look for contact, or not, with birth family members. You can follow Tiegan on Twitter here.
You can see the webchat as well as the other stuff we do at our FB page here.
The audio quality isn't always the best, overheating computers, the curses of wifi and a myriad of other issues. However, the content is unique in the current landscape so please push through
As always your views and thoughts are appreciated, you can contact the podcast through the usual routes and if you'd like to find out a little more the Adoption & Fostering Podcast's Facebook page is here, or our twitter feed here.
Listen/subscribe on iTunes here
Spotify here
Google here