Wednesday Apr 08, 2020
Podcast Special - Martin Barrow, Corvid 19 and Foster Care
Wednesday Apr 08, 2020
Wednesday Apr 08, 2020
In this special edition we speak to Martin Barrow, foster carer and journalist, about the implications and impact of the restrictions on public services and private lives in light of the Corvid 19 virus.
There's a lot to cover and we open up a wide range of issues from the really practical of managing children during a lockdown, how to facilitate contact with families and the implications for supervising social workers in fulfilling their roles. The impact on services is broad ranging we discuss the regulatory challenges as well as some of the measures to speed up approval for carers or waiving approval statuses. We could have talked further but kept to an hour, we hope you enjoy and find it helpful.
As always your views and thoughts are appreciated, you can contact the podcast through the usual routes and if you'd like to find out a little more the Adoption & Fostering Podcast's Facebook page is here, or our twitter feed here.
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Saturday Apr 04, 2020
Saturday Apr 04, 2020
It this weeks episode we have a little banter and then catch up on an interview we had with @bantam_polly and @CatTheresaUK. We discuss the what seems like age old question of when should you talk to children who are adopted about how they joined your family and the challenges that can present parents with. It follows on from a heated twitter moment several weeks ago, prior to the Covid 19 lockdown, when someone asked the Adoption Twitter community if you should tell children or not if they're adopted. It raised some heated debate at the time and it an issue that many parents struggle with.
There is a hiss on a part of the audio and we apologise as it didn’t become apparent until after the recording was completed and we’ve done all we can to clean it up. Hopefully it’s not too distracting.
As always your views and thoughts are appreciated, you can contact the podcast through the usual routes and if you'd like to find out a little more the Adoption & Fostering Podcast's Facebook page is here, or our twitter feed here.
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Tuesday Mar 31, 2020
Episode 81 - Scott & Al talk #YouCanAdopt, Marketing and #InfoBanter
Tuesday Mar 31, 2020
Tuesday Mar 31, 2020
This week we take a moment in the busy schedule to reflect on the #YouCanAdopt marketing campaign and air a few thoughts on that. We also chat through a few thought on some upcoming stuff that we're up too. We don't want to slip into infomercials so we'll not mention it again but we're busy doing lots starting with the Adoption East Midlands Regional Adoption Agency's first annual conference. From the 1st March it's open to all adopters from beyond the RAA catchment so check it out here and come if you can.
As always your views and thoughts are appreciated, you can contact the podcast through the usual routes and if you'd like to find out a little more the Adoption & Fostering Podcast's Facebook page is here, or our twitter feed here.
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Saturday Mar 28, 2020
Saturday Mar 28, 2020
With chaos and uncertainty abounding the normal grasp on reality and all things normal has well and truly slipped out of the back door and left us all adrift. So, to add our full peneth to the mix we've cast aside the scheduled podcasts on all things tricky and refocused ourselves on the lived reality now.
To that end Al has chatted to Rosie the Adoption Social Worker, she shares her views and thoughts on the challenges that the current situation has thrown up for adoptive families and the SWer no less. This is part one with Rosie as we also talk about her day job supporting adoptive adults connect with their birth families and walking through that process with them.
Scott and Al also unpack some of the challenges thrown up this week indulge in some distracting banter as well as discuss Scott's crocodile hands and Al's selfish hoarding tendencies.
As always your views and thoughts are appreciated, you can contact the podcast through the usual routes and if you'd like to find out a little more the Adoption & Fostering Podcast's Facebook page is here, or our twitter feed here.
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Saturday Mar 21, 2020
Episode 83 - An interview with Special Guardians and Adopters Together
Saturday Mar 21, 2020
Saturday Mar 21, 2020
In this episode of the adoption and fostering podcast we speak to Sylvia Schroer who is the chair of the Special Guardians and Adopters Together (SGandT) campaigning organisation.
We consider some of the issues that the organization campaign about specifically and discussed the challenges that's many families face as they try to access support in difficult situations as well as the accusations that can often be levelled at parents and carers. We also discuss the difficulty in raising the issues, lack of accurate data and the changing nature of adoption and kinship care/special guardianship.
You can go to their SGandT's website here and see some of the research that Sylvia mentions in the interview.
Scott and I keep the banter down to the bear minimum, though we do get drawn onto the rocks of name calling on twitter and if you listen to the very very end there may be a child hygiene related retching incident.
We recorded earlier in the week so all the latest Corvid-19 developments aren't commented on.
Stay well y'all.
Saturday Mar 14, 2020
Conversations - Clarissa
Saturday Mar 14, 2020
Saturday Mar 14, 2020
In this episode Clarissa shares her story of growing up in challenging circumstances, becoming a mother and then having her child removed, then adopted, by children’s social care professionals.
Clarissa is now a relational/parent activist and works to support other parents the have similar experiences and social care involvement. This is a really honest account and Clarissa doesn’t shy away from some very challenging experiences, events and situations that she was part of. Consequently, this is a hard listen and contains an honest account that some listeners may find upsetting, so please be wise and listen with caution.
If you’ve a story of care or adoption and would like to share your perspective or experience then please do direct message us at our twitter feed here or on our facebook page here.
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Music by
Together, We Can Make It by Neutrin05 | https://soundcloud.com/neutrin05
Music promoted by https://www.free-stock-music.com
Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported
Saturday Mar 07, 2020
Episode 82 - Scott & Al chat to Solicitor Sarah Brown
Saturday Mar 07, 2020
Saturday Mar 07, 2020
In this episode we chat to solicitor Sarah Brown from Ridley Hall Solicitors who specialises in all legal matters pertaining to adoption. We chat in relation to the reasons people resort to legal representation, such as challenging support plans or amending wills to name a couple. We take a little time before the interview to consider chat and set the interview up so bear with us.
We also discuss Andrew Christie stepping down from the Adoption & Special Guardianship Leadership Board and argue over which one of us should apply as well as the issues that we look to consider in over the next few months on the podcast, mainly when things don't go as expected.
As always your views and thoughts are appreciated, you can contact the podcast through the usual routes and if you'd like to find out a little more the Adoption & Fostering Podcast's Facebook page is here, or our twitter feed here.
Listen/subscribe on iTunes here
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Saturday Feb 29, 2020
Conversations - Andrew
Saturday Feb 29, 2020
Saturday Feb 29, 2020
In this episode Andrew shares his experience as an adoptive parent of a child with complex medical needs, with his wife they chose to adopt rather than becoming parents through traditional routes. Andrew discusses a long preparation and approval process and some of the specific challenges that they have all faced.
If you'd like to share your story then please get in touch through the Adoption & Fostering Podcast's facebook page here, or our twitter feed here.
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Saturday Feb 15, 2020
Ep 80 - #LGBTHistory Satwinder Sandhu on Social Work Process
Saturday Feb 15, 2020
Saturday Feb 15, 2020
In this episode Scott has a chat with Satwinder on his experience and perspective of a range of interesting and important issues that social care has faces with the change in legislation in the mid 2000's. It is a really interesting discussion in relation to the challenges faced by the LGBT community as they navigated what was a process built around the assessment of heterosexual couples and the questions that this posed for social workers. Sat raises bigger questions in relation to applicants showing authentic selves and asking what is an acceptable lifestyle for any adoption applicant.
As always your views and thoughts are appreciated, you can contact the podcast through the usual routes and if you'd like to find out a little more the Adoption & Fostering Podcast's Facebook page is here, or our twitter feed here.
Listen/subscribe on iTunes here
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Saturday Feb 08, 2020
Conversations - Bea
Saturday Feb 08, 2020
Saturday Feb 08, 2020
In what is #LGBTHistoryMonth we continue to focus on LGBT adoption and fostering. This week we talk with gay foster carer, Bea.
Bea, along with her partner, have been fostering for 2 years, and now have a longer term placement. Bea explains some of the process to becoming a foster carer in recent times, and it felt rather a standard assessment process, that anyone can relate to. Bea also shares some useful thoughts about selecting an agency, whether you are a same sex female couple or not.
If you’ve a story of care or adoption and would like to share your perspective or experience then please do direct message us at our twitter feed here or on our facebook page here.
Listen/subscribe on iTunes here
Spotify here
Google here
Music by
Together, We Can Make It by Neutrin05 | https://soundcloud.com/neutrin05
Music promoted by https://www.free-stock-music.com
Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported